Men’s Ministry
Men have often been relegated to a mindset of how they do not measure up; bad decisions, sin, criticism, and ridicule have destroyed many men’s self-esteem and self-worth. Trinity Church Men’s Ministry seeks to empower men in the word of the Lord for spiritual growth while encouraging, developing and nurturing men to know God’s purpose for their lives. When a man understands his purpose he can demonstrate daily; a standard of Holiness, unto the Lord that is uncompromising and centered on the word of the Lord. Through spiritual recognition, support, and guidance each man will develop a more personal relationship with God which will begin to manifest in his marriage, making him a better husband, in his relationships making him a better man, in his family making him a better father, in his career making him a better employee or employer, and in his social groups making him a better friend. Topics for this year will be “Good Help is Hard to Find”, “A Few Good Men”, “How does God want you to live”, ” Twelve Ordinary Men”, and “Men after God’s Heart.”